Board Members

Fiona McCausland

Goretti Horgan

Goretti Horgan is a Senior Lecturer in social policy at Ulster University. She is Director of ARK’s Policy Unit; ARK is a partnership between Queen’s and Ulster Universities that aims to promote evidence-based policy making and to help researchers, policy-makers and the wider public understand society and politics. She researches and writes about reproductive justice, including abortion, child and family poverty, disability, and children’s and women’s rights generally. Goretti was appointed by the Minister for Communities to the Anti-Poverty Strategy Expert Advisory Panel, the Panel’s report was published by the Department in March 2021. She is a member of Board of Directors of the Northern Ireland Anti Poverty Network, and a founding member of Alliance for Choice Derry.

Ciara Fitzpatrick

Dr Ciara Fitzpatrick is a lecturer and researcher at Ulster University School of Law. Her research expertise is the social security system and issues associated with it namely, poverty, destitution, and the gendered impacts of socio-economic disadvantage. Ciara is academic adviser to the Cliff Edge Coalition which is campaigning for a strengthened welfare reform mitigation package, by resolving the five-week wait for UC, mitigating the two-child limit and providing support for private renters. Ciara is an active anti-poverty campaigner and frequent contributor to civic debate, government processes and on the media.

@c_fitz_on Twitter

Taryn Trainer

Taryn Trainor is the Regional women’s and Equalities officer with Unite trade union.  She has worked in this role since 2008 progressing women’s issues and challenging inequality both in the workplace and broader society.  She is a long standing member of the NI ICTU women’s committee and the NI ICTU Committee.

Amie Gallagher

Amie Gallagher is a community development worker from Creggan in Derry. Currently she is the project coordinator for the Focus Project, which provides local women with practical support and a platform for their voice and issues to be heard within the wider community. Amie has experience in facilitating good relations and contentious issues workshops with young people from interface communities.

She has a background in human rights and women’s rights education. Her interests lie particularly in the development of deprived communities in a post conflict setting, informal community education, opportunities for inclusion of minorities, policing these communities and the experiences and outcomes for women and young people, considering the inter-generational impact of the conflict.

Dara Keeve


Dara is a Research and Campaigns Worker with the Committee on the Administration of Justice (CAJ). As part of her role, she is involved in a number of projects such as CAJ’s policing and legacy projects and promoting equality. Dara also helps to co-ordinate the Equality Coalition, an umbrella group of over 100 organisations that aims to advance equality in Northern Ireland.

Previously to her role with CAJ, Dara worked as an Account Executive in a public affairs organisation.  She also teaches evening Irish classes in an Droichead, Belfast. Dara has a B.A. in French and Irish from Queen’s University Belfast and an LLM in Human Rights Law with Distinction, also from Queen’s. 

Will Haire


Will worked in the NI Civil Service from 1980-2015, originally focusing on economic development, Fair Employment and anti-discrimination legislation, as well as being seconded to Brussels to work on the ESF and ERDF. With devolution, Will moved to OFMDFM, worked on the Programme for Government and became a Permanent Secretary. He went on to lead work in the Departments of Employment and Learning, Education and from 2010 to 2015 led the DSD. On retirement, he chaired the Joseph Rowntree Foundation and the Joseph Rowntree Housing Trust.

Caoímhe McNeill

Caoímhe is a Policy and Bargaining Organiser in UNISON, a leading trade union in Northern Ireland (NI), representing over 46,000 members.

UNISON membership includes public service workers in health and social care; education and higher education services; local government; youth justice; private companies providing public services; and the community and voluntary sector. 84% of their membership in Northern Ireland are women.

Caoímhe has a background in Student politics as well as specialising in Welfare Reform representation before joining UNISON in August 2021.


Becca Bor

Development Coordinator

Becca Bor is the Development Coordinator for NIAPN. She has a background in education, community development, participatory practices, trade union activism and campaigning for social change. Originally from Boston, she has been living and working in Derry since 2014.