Northern Ireland Anti-Poverty Network’s (NIAPN) envisions a poverty free society.

NIAPN’s vision is of an economically and socially just society where everyone has the opportunity to participate as full citizens and achieve their potential, free from poverty and social exclusion.

NIAPN seeks to end poverty by empowering communities and influencing government through community education, lobbying and campaigning.

NIAPN was established in 1991 as part of the European Anti-Poverty Network (EAPN) to strengthen the collective voice of those working to end poverty and to enable people experiencing poverty to effectively engage with and influence policy makers.

NIAPN is an umbrella organisation, having a membership throughout Northern Ireland of organisations in the voluntary and community sector, public and statutory bodies and trade unions. The majority of our members are small community groups in the most disadvantaged areas of the region.


  • To raise awareness of the causes and impact of poverty on all people and communities in Northern Ireland.
  • To build an effective anti-poverty network, and act as a critical voice for the anti-poverty sector in NI through lobbying, networking, and using local media.
  • To enable, represent and amplify the voices of people living in Poverty to engage with and influence policy makers.NIAPN will have highest standards of honesty, integrity and accountability in all aspects of its work


The following values underpin all aspects of NIAPN’s work:

Equality and participation

Everyone has an equal right to full participation in the society and to benefit from its resources

Collective action

Change can only be brought about by collective action which provides the opportunity for participation by those experiencing, and those fighting poverty.


Everyone has the right to be treated with dignity and respect

Equity, diversity and inter-dependence

The development of a society based on equity and diversity and inter-dependence free from discrimination or sectarianism should be actively promoted

Human Rights

Economic and social rights are fundamental human rights which should be promoted and protected

Independent and inter-dependent

NIAPN is independent of Government and any political party or organisation, and is committed to working in partnership with its members and all those concerned with tackling the issue of poverty

Commitment to change

NIAPN should challenge the fundamental causes of poverty and not just highlight the consequences


NIAPN will have highest standards of honesty, integrity and accountability in all aspects of its work